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A (sostenere, sorreggere, peso, bambino, pacco)to carryportava il pacco sottobraccio he was carrying the parcel under his armquesta macchina porta 4 persone this car can carry 4 peoplepuoi portarmi la valigia? Can you carry my case for me?si porta dietro un sacco di roba he carries masses of stuff round with himportare via to take away, (rubare)to takeschedare questi documenti porta via molto tempo filing these documents takes (up) a lot of timeporta bene i suoi anni he's wearing well, he doesn't look his ageognuno ha la propria croce da portare we all have our cross to bear. B (consegnare, recare)portare qc (a qn) to take (o bring) sth (to sb)porta il libro in cucina!

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  2. Port Royale 3 Traduttore Ita Yahoo Online

Traduttore Ita Inglese

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(vicino a chi parla)bring the book into the kitchen!, (lontano da chi parla)take the book into the kitchen!portami un bicchiere! Bring me a glass!portalo qui bring it hereporta questa lettera a Lucia take this letter to Luciaposso portarli a casa?

Port Royale 3 Traduttore Ita Yahoo Online

Can I bring (o take) them home?portare qc alla bocca to lift o put sth to one's lipsil suo intervento ha portato dei vantaggi his intervention has brought certain advantagesportare fortuna/sfortuna a qn to bring (good) luck/bad luck to sb.