TREATMENT RATING: This cancer protocol is rated ONLY as being effective on newly diagnosed cancer patients who do not have a fast-growing cancer and their cancer has not spread significantly. If you are an advanced cancer patient who has had a lot of chemotherapy, radiation or surgery or you have a potentially fast-growing cancer, do not use this protocol, use one of the protocols linked to on this web page:How the Breuss Total Cancer Treatment worksNote: The Breuss Total Cancer Treatment includes both the complete “cancer diet” and the complete “cancer treatment.”The Breuss Total Cancer Treatment is a very rigid diet of fruits, vegetables and herbs that a person takes in liquid form for 42 days. Because cancer cells have a very different metabolism than normal cells, the Breuss diet is designed to starve the cancer cells to death by not providing any solid food proteins. But the diet does not harm normal cells.
The Breuss Total Cancer TreatmentThe book that details the Breuss diet, has sold over 900,000 copies, been translated into five languages, and claims to have led to over 45,000 testimonials from cured sufferers. Both the book and the diet are still actively being used.The Breuss diet is based on a 42 day fast, but the definition of “fast” used in the Breuss diet actually includes certain types of foods, such as raw fruits and vegetable juices, all taken in liquid form. The theory is that cancer cells can only live on the protein of solid food. Therefore, if you drink nothing but vegetable juice and teas for 42 days the cancerous cells die while the normal cells continue to thrive.Breuss juice vegetable juice that consists of 55 percent red beet root, 20 percent carrots, 20 percent celery root, 3 percent raw potato, 2 percent radishes The potato is optional except for liver cancer where it plays an important part.His book actually talks about multiple diseases. (Note: this is a very simplified explanation, you need to read the book.)If you look at the formula for the Breuss juice during the fast, you will note that there is virtually no glucose or other sugars in the formula. Since his diet was probably developed by trial and error, we find it curious that it evolved to exclude fruit juices and contains virtually zero glucose and other sugars.
Dr Breuss Cancer Cure
We believe the diet works for a different reason than Breuss thought. We think it works because cancer cells are very inefficient at processing glucose and other sugars and that the formula literally starves the cancer cells to death by depriving them of glucose and other sugars. Normal cells can survive on much less glucose and other sugars because they are much more efficient at processing these items. Supercharging this treatmentBecause no one is quite sure why his diet works, you might not want to supercharge his diet and simply do it his way. It is your call, but before you make a decision please read the link below on sugar and cancer. However, there is no question that, and could not do any harm while on this diet. However, do not mix ionized water with the formula, use natural water for that.
Also, not take the ionized water within an hour of taking the tea (both an hour before and an hour after). As with any tea it should be sipped slowly over time.If you do want to enhance the diet, filtered (filtered to make sure there are no particles) and filtered are natural enhancements to the Breuss diet.
I mention green tea and because his diet seems to be low in cancer cell killing agents and there is nothing wrong with killing the cancer cells as they become weak.Another very logical supplement that will not interfere with the Breuss treatment is Protocel. Protocel is taken in very low doses and lowers the voltage of cancer cells, weakened by the Breuss diet.Immediately after you stop the Breuss treatment, you should take two or three of these products in order to quickly build up the nutrients lost during the diet:. Vibe by Eniva,.,.,. XanGo Mangosteen,., from (wolfberry or ).These products should be purchased during the diet to insure they are ready for the day after the diet is finished.After the 42 day fast, if your cancer symptoms are not gone, you should go on a “” or “” alternative cancer treatment. Additional notesBecause of the 42 day fast, a massive amount of family support will be needed for anyone on this diet. It may be necessary for someone to call the person on this diet every hour or so. Because this diet is starving the cancer cells to death, it is absolutely critical that no extra foods be taken.
This is an “all or nothing” type of diet. If you make a major slip, you should definitely add the filtered green tea or filtered or both. Protocel could also be considered.Don’t forget the three phases of an alternative cancer treatment program, mentioned in the tutorial. Site – Comments. Good overview.
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Raw juices contain antioxidants and living enzymes that science has identified as an imperative part of everyone’s diet if they wish to stay healthy and maintain a defense against all the toxins of today’s environment.During the 42 day fast, all the raw fruits and vegetable are taken in liquid form. All vegetables used have to be organically grown and the sediments must be removed. The theory is that cancer cells can only live on the protein of solid food.Consequently, if you drink nothing but vegetable juice and teas for 42 days the cancerous cells die without the food protein.