Sp16 latest.1.DESIGN AIDSFORREINFORCED CONCRETETO IS: 456-l 978.As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank.DesignAidsForReinforcedConcreteto IS: 4564978BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDSBAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARC, NEW DLEHI 110 002.SP16:1980FIRST PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 1980ELEVENTH REPRINT MARCH 1999(Incorporatinp Amendment No. I)0 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDSUDC 624.0 12.45.04 (026)PRICE Rs.500.00I’KiNTED 1N INDIA ATVlB, PRESS PVT.
LTD., 122 DSIDC SHEDS. OKHLA INDL!STRIAL ARtA. NEW DELHI 110(!20AND PI II3LISHED BYIIIS: 1139-1966t1IS: 1139-1966tIS: 1786-1979$ 7IS: 1566-19674 andIS: 432 (Part II)-19661Yield Stress or O-2PercentProof Stress26 z$fm;rni,or bars up to24 kgf/mm. for bars over20 mm dia36 lkfe;i2’ bars up to.34.5 kgf/mm. for bars over20 mm’dia up to 40 mmiiia33 kgf/mm” for bars over40 mm dia42.5 kgf/mm2 for all sizes4 15N/mm2 for all bar sizes500 N/mm.
for all bar sizes49 kgf/mm.Nom-S1 units have been used in IS: 1786-19793; in other Indian Standards.
Sp 16 Code Book For Civil Engineering
In order to promote public education and public safety, equal justice for all, a better informed citizenry, the rule of law, world trade and world peace, this legal document is hereby made available on a noncommercial basis, as it is the right of all humans to know and speak the laws that govern them. (For more information: )Name of Standards Organization: Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)Division Name: Civil EngineeringSection Name: Structural Engineering and structural sections (CED 7)Designator of Legally Binding Document: SP 6-1Title of Legally Binding Document: ISI Handbook for Structural Engineers -Part- 1 Structural Steel SectionsNumber of Amendments:Equivalence:Superceding:Superceded by:LEGALLY BINDING DOCUMENTStep Out From the Old to the New-Jawaharlal NehruInvent a new India using knowledge.-Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda.