Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6 Windows 7 Average ratng: 5,7/10 1514 reviews

Compaq Visual Fortran v6.5 Compaq VisualFortran 6.5ACompaq released version 6.5 as a paid upgrade to either theirown version 6.1 or Digital's version 6.0 of the compiler inJanuary 2001. Specific Information on the compiler can be foundin the. We've also found a download on Compaq'swebsite which contains a number of.avi movies showing you how touse the developer studio more effectively. You can download themdirectly from our site using the link at the bottom of this page.PLEASE NOTE: Compaq released aservice pack for their compiler in January 2001. If you purchasedyour compiler before then please visit their site and There is a bug in the version 6.5 compilerwhich causes compilation errors when recompiling on a Windows 98computer.

Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6 Windows 7

Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6 Download

To answer the main question, and to follow to several comments.' S support for Vista is officially depreciated, as of Update 3 of March 2011. Newer versions support Windows 7. Up until then, Vista was supported (and from what I hear, it still works, although I do not have it as my OS so cannot ascertain for that).Compaq's Visual Fortran, which is 'of the same line' as MS Fortran Powerstation, then Digital, then Compaqs and now Intel's, is no longer supported by any modern OS, although I can testify it works nice on XP SP3. Since it was discontinued some time ago, I would not expect it to work on either Vista or Win7 without some fiddling.This only goes for the IDE part, the compiler in itself works okey.If you wish to go into the process of trying to set it up, experience may be of some use to you.